Daily Archives: September 11, 2017

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Theses of the report at NVSU International Conference



7-11 November 2016

Municipal budget educational institution “Secondary school № 43» was established in 2000.

Under the guidance of an experienced and creative leader, a true enthusiast in education, Larisa Alekseevna Piyuk, our educational institution has achieved significant results:

  1. “Russian Federation President Grant” and “Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra Governor Grant” for active implementation of innovative educational programs.
  2. “Best Manager of Educational Institution” KhMAO- Ugra Governor Grant.
  3. Six of our teachers are holders of the Russian Federation President Grant in the nomination “The best teacher”.
  4. Our School is the best educational institution in the regional competition “Without injuries and accidents”.
  5. Since 2013, the school has been a regional internship platform for implementing federal state educational standards in the advance mode.

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