Tag Archives: Sunrise Theatre Studio

Выступление театральной студии Sunrise на закрытии недели английского языка

Апрель 2024 года

Abdullin Askar, 8 form, a poem “Leisure” by W.H. Davies

Zagorskaya Aleksandra. A song “Child’s Confession”
The melody and the lyrics are written by Zagorskaya Aleksandra, 11 form
Aleksandra Zagorskaya



Представление театральной студии SUNRISE THEATRE STUDIO “THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO” by C. Collodi [Pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini], School 43, Nizhnevartovsk.


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“A Star Child” by O.Wilde

Выступление театральной студии “Sunrise” в мае 2018 года.


Выступление театральной студии “Sunrise” на Science Week

Неделя науки в апреле 2022

Видеоотчёт о выступлении театральной студии “Sunrise”. Учащиеся представили зрителям фрагмент из комедии Уильяма Шекспира “As you like it”, стихотворение Уильяма Генри Дейвиса “Leisure” и скетч “The Superlative vacuum cleaner”.

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Teaching English Through Drama


«Children’s creativity is a condition of their personality development.”

Sh. Amonashvili

Communicative competence in the modern sense of the word provides a capacity for intercultural interaction. In our time, this is the most essential goal for all categories of students.

The essence of communicative teaching is that learning is a model of the communication process. That is the drama game that offers the opportunity to meet the requirement to communicate in a foreign language and helps make phrases, built on a simple model, communicatively relevant, helps teachers make the process of repeating the same speech patterns and standard dialogues emotionally appealing. Teaching English through drama is a field that has been increasingly evolving over the last sixty years.

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